A couple of weeks ago I started getting my mane trimmed, my tail brushed out on a regular basis and in general getting some extra grooming. Something about looking presentable for a show. That's when I heard that Pip, me and the new guy Wie were going to a dressage show. I wasn't sure what that was really all about; all I know is that Kyle was riding me more in the ring rather than on the trails leading up to the show.
So the big day came and Kyle got me ready to go by putting these big poofy things on my legs. I don't know why, it wasn't a cold day or anything like that. Then I hear that they were to protect my legs, not keep them warm. The felt funny when I started to walk so I hiked my legs up pretty high and Kyle and Jackie started laughing. I said they felt funny not so funny! Anyway Pip went on the trailer first then me and then Wie. I really haven't officially met Wie yet as he lives in another pasture so it was nice to go for a ride with him. The ride wasn't so bad and I didn't need those big poofy things on my legs that I heard are called shipping boots.
After we got to the show at Chagrin Valley Farms, Wie and I were taken off the trailer, got our boots taken off and off we went to check out the 'scarey' indoor arena with the big glass wall at one end. It really wasn't so scarey just something to look at and figure out. I got to tell you, I've never seen anything quite like that before! Next Jackie got Wie ready to ride and Kyle spent some time grooming me and I was told what a good girl I was to stand tied to the trailer. I don't know what was such a big deal; I had a big net thing in front of me with lots of hay in it so why wouldn't I just stand there?
From what I understand Wie was a little bit of a cry baby in his first test and jumped out of the ring but he was really good in the second test and Jackie seemed really happy with him. I'm not sure why they are called tests or dressage for that matter; all I did is walk and trot around and do some circles and going across the ring and then I was done. Kyle and Jackie were making such a fuss over me saying what a good girl I was and how pleased they were with my behavior. I don't know when they're going to get it; that's just the way I am...no big deal. I did overhear Kyle saying how much he liked me and my attitude and that it would take a whole lot of money for him to ever consider selling me.He thinks I'm a going to be 'good one' and that he thinks I could be as good as Gus. Well I already think I'm a good one and I don't know who Gus was, but from what I can tell he was a very special horse! I think I like being compared to Gus.
After I was done, Wie and I hung out in the trailer while Pip did his tests. I heard that he was a very good boy and everyone was happy how the day went. Check out the video and tell me why this was such a big deal. I hear we may be going to another dressage show and I might be able to do a test where I can do a little cantering. Well I say it's about time! And why does Jack get to go to a jumper show and I have to go to a dressage show? Something about me being 'in foal'...
One more thing... if you hear something about a movie called "Jack and Jill".. don't get excited ; it's not about us but maybe someday ;)
Well just like Jill; I was getting my mane trimmed and my tail brushed and Kyle even used the giant sucking snake, I think they call it a vacuum cleaner, on me to get all the dirt off. I must say I'm impressed at how much braver I have gotten; I can remember when Jackie tried to use that thing on me last spring and it about freaked me out! I have to agree with Jill; those shipping boots do feel funny and make you do weird stuff with your legs but in a couple of minutes I got use to them and it was no big deal. It was just Wie and me off to a jumper show at South Farm. It sounded like fun and it was a nice day so the show was held outside instead of inside. That seemed to make Jackie & Kyle happy but I have no idea why. I'm sure I'll find out all in good time; I always seem to eventually figure things out.
When we got there Jackie had to go enter us and get numbers and that took a little while. While we were waiting Wie started banging around in the trailer and generally being being a bit of a jerk. By the time Jackie got back Kyle had just about had enough of it and Jackie seemed more than a little annoyed because apparently he had been very good at Chagrin a couple of weeks ago and in her words "there was no reason for his bad behavior". Oh boy, glad it was him and not me. Then I heard them calling him a 'dumb blood' and telling him that the 3 year old, that would be me, was behaving better than the 4 year old, that would be Wie. I guess that was a compliment for me, but what do they mean about being a 'dumb blood'?
Anyway we both got ready and went past a nice big barn but there were a few kids playing on this thing where they were bouncing up and down and making a lot of noise. I think they call it a trampoline or something like that. Anyway it did make both of us a little nervous. When we got to the ring Kyle took me over by other horses and I just stood around watching other horses jump. Meanwhile Jackie was riding Wie in the warm up area and he kept calling to me. It was a bit annoying and more than a little distracting. Thankfully when I went to the warm up ring he began to quiet down. When it was time for Wie to go in the ring I must say I was impressed; he went in there and was all business... he never looked at a thing, jumped all the jumps and kept his mouth shut too! So when it was my turn and I did my best to be every bit as good as him which, if I must say so myself, I was. Then we got to do it again but this time the fences were in a different order. It was a lot of fun but next time I would like to jump a
bigger and less boring fences. Don't get me wrong; they were
all nicely painted but no barrels or spools like we jump at home. Then I heard Jackie say that 'boring' is good for the first show.
Everyone was making a big fuss over Wie and me and saying what good 'babies' we were. I liked the compliments but I really don't like being called a baby. If they didn't tell them I was a three year old they never would have guessed. Anyway I'm looking forward to the next show. It sounds like I had more fun than Jill ;)
No videos for me, but here is a picture of me. Not too bad if I must say so myself.
That looked like a very nice relaxed Intro test!
ReplyDeleteDid the judge have some good comments?
Thank you. Yes she did get some nice comments ;)