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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Latest Update from Jack & Jill

I think things are finally quieting down around here.  There was a lot of activity for a couple of weeks with the the event,hunter pace, and a jumper show and cross country pace competition.  Jack and I were suppose to compete in the hunter pace but Kyle wasn't feeling well and everyone else was too busy so we didn't get to do it. It really didn't matter because we got to go on the course on a different day.  It was a nice ride.

One day Jackie was riding me and she got all excited because I started going like a 'good little dressage horse'.  I don't know what she was all excited about; she should know by now that if you ask me to do something and if I understand what you're asking; I'll do it!  Anyway I hear that I'm going to a dressage show next weekend. I haven't a clue what to expect but I look forward to another new experience.  All I know is that since they decided that I'm going to the show Kyle has been riding me more and I have been in the ring more than going out in the trails.  Not so sure I like that.

That's it for me for now; I'll let you know how the show went.


Jill wasn't kidding when she said that things were really busy around here.  Jackie and Kyle were so busy I didn't get ridden a few weeks.  Actually I really needed the break.  All this training stuff was stressing be out and I started to grind my teeth to let them know. I wish I was more like Jill; she seems to take everything in stride.  Anyway they seemed to understand that I was worried about the bit because when Kyle started riding me again he put a bridle on me without a bit; it's called a hackamore or something like that.  I don't care what it's called; I'm just a lot more relaxed going without a bit.

We have been doing a lot of trail rides and doing more jumping on the trails.  One day Kyle pointed me at a big jump called a 'hogs back'.  A funny name for a fence and it doesn't look anything like the back of a hog.  Well I actually have never seen a hog, but I do't think it looks like this pie of logs.  Anyway I said 'whoa baby are you're sure?"  Jackie yelled at Kyle that I wasn't ready for a fence that big yet and Kyle said 'yes he is'.  So Jackie decided that Pip should go first to show me how its done.  Well I didn't want to disappoint Kyle and I wanted to show Jackie that I could do it ...so I jumped it way higher than I needed to.  Both Kyle and Jackie were all excited.  That makes me happy.  Since then I have jumped the show jumping course  and most of the Starter cross country jumps  I like jumping and I think I'm ready to try bigger jumps.

We have a new horse in the barn with a strange name; Wie. Not only does he have a strange name he is a different breed, a Hanoverian.  I don't know, he looks like the rest of the TB's on the farm.   Despite his name and breed he's a nice guy about my size and age.  I really like hanging out with him.

Wie and Me - hey that rhymes

While Jill is going to a dressage show I'm going to a jumping clinic!  All three of of us young guys: Wie, Rugby and me will be making a road trip the first weekend in Dec.  Here's hoping the weather is good, although I here we will be in a indoor ring.  I've never been in one before, but I hear that they keep out the with and the rain. I hope there isn't any snow like we're getting today.  I'm not quite ready for snow yet.

Well I be sure to give you an update after the jumping clinic in Dec.


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