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Our New Home
Our New Home

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Since I didn’t get a chance to say much last time Jill said that I could go first this time.  All I have to say is that it has been a busy summer around here.  Things finally got a little quieter and a little cooler, thank goodness,  so Jill and I have been going out on trail rides almost every day.  Kyle usually rides me and Jackie rides Jill.  I think it’s kind of keeping the guys and the gals together or something like that.  I am really starting to enjoy these rides but to be honest with you; I wasn’t so sure in the beginning. There were so many things to hear and see that I was a little nervous.  Kyle keeps reassuring me that everything is ok and I’m starting to believe him.  I now know that the mud in the woods is NOT quick sand and that it’s ok to step in it.  I’ve also learned to be the leader too;  Jill and I now take turns going first.  

While Jill took a trailer ride to meet her “man”, I got to take a ride to the Buckeye Horse Park.  Kyle was taking Margee and Jethro to a show and he didn’t want one horse left alone in the trailer while the other one competed so I was taken along to keep the horse left in the trailer company. other one competed so I was taken along to keep the the horse left in the trailer company.  Hanging out in the trailer really wasn’t much fun so when they took me off to get one Magree off I refused to get back on the trailer!  They weren’t very happy with me, but come on, they took be on a road trip and I didn’t get to do or see much.

Road Trip - Margee is explaining things to me
Sometimes I just don’t understand people very much.  There were two people here that were all excited about Tintin but Jackie and Kevin seemed happy for them but kind of sad at the same time.  That’s when I found out that Tintin was going home with Amy and Meredith.  Kevin and Jackie were happy that Tinners was with some good friends of Jackie's and that Tinners had an important job to do.  I was curious what could be so important.  It seems that Meredith likes this sport of Eventing but she hasn’t been able to compete above the Novice level yet and Tinners was going to help her to move up the levels a bit like he did with Kevin.  I just heard that they went to their first competition together and Meredith’s first time at Training level and that they did really well and everyone had fun!!   Sounds pretty good to me…

It seems that Kevin was really missing Tintin and they found a young horse from the racetrack for him.  Boy is this new guy ever tall!!  But then again Kevin is a tall fellow so I guess it’s a pretty good match.  Anyway, Rugby is a very pleasant fellow and he fits in with the guys just fine.  And believe it or not, Jethro (the boss man) has been hanging out with me more lately.  Don’t ask me why, but it’s kind of nice. 
Rugby and me meeting for the first time.  That's me on the right
Well I hear things are to start getting crazy around here soon as they are getting ready for another ‘event’ at the farm.  I don’t mind so much except Jackie doesn’t have much time for us and she’s even been riding me a little which I kind of like.  Oh well, not much I can do about that. I am looking forward to the Hunter Pace, that sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

I guess that’s it for now. 


Jack has pretty much covered it all.  I have really been enjoying the  trail rides and Jackie seems to be enjoying them too (she's been riding me a lot lately).  I was suppose to go to a Mini Trial tomorrow for my debut at Intro, but Margee is scheduled to start at 8:30 and I wasn't going to be done until after 5:00 so they decided that it was going to be too long of a day to be hanging out in the horse trailer especially since Kyle has a lot of work to do around the farm.  So the debut will have to wait for awhile.  There's always the Hunter Pace ;)

Check out the picture of me in the latest USEA Magazine.  It's from the FEH class here in the spring.  It's kind of a little picture and they're calling me Key to the Stars instead of Jill so it might be hard to find it, but  I still think it's cool.  I hear it's my show name which is a combination of my mom's and dad's names.  I guess it has a nice ring to it.

That's it for now.
